Often women can live in the past defining themselves by the way they were. Whether that be for the way you used to look that was thinner or maybe you have been overweight and are embarrassed by the way you used to look – or even look now. It is important to find peace over everything that has occurred whether that be the way you wanted or didn’t want to look. I know about this very well because I have been many sizes and used to be very thin and fit while I have had times of weight gain as well and the thing to do is own it at any stage while working toward what you want. Weight loss contrary to popular belief is not about being super skinny it is about looking after yourself, finding your natural weight and maintaining that for the rest of your life as best you can. It is imperative to your wellbeing and self-esteem to love your body now regardless of whether you have had moments of pleasure with it or shame about it. With these 3 simple strategies, you can at least find some peace over the past and love your body now:

Give up shaming yourself for the times you were or are not happy with your body.

It can be very easy to shame yourself or feel ashamed of the way you have been if you have pictures of yourself that you may not like. Sadly, the world has become very much about looks and this impacts the self-esteem of many women. Let go of shame and feeling like you aren’t good enough because of the way you have been and start loving yourself and body now to be free in yourself to be the amazing woman you are.

Start looking at yourself as a beauty and stunning women now.

Most of us have been thinner in our past and many compare themselves to the way they used to be thinking that their body should always be the same. Bodies change and metabolic speed changes and to accept that you don’t need to morph into the old you or someone who is nothing like you is the ultimate freedom. Of course, if you want to sculpt and train hard do it but don’t do it at the cost of your mental health. If you are living in the past, you may feel never good enough for who you are now so begin to look to now and the future for the way you want to be while making sure you love your body and self now.

Surround yourself with people who adore you for your internal beauty over external beauty.

Often we become like the people we spend the most time with. This has nothing to do with looks, it has everything to do with health and finding your tribe that aligns with your values who make you feel amazing and beautiful now. It is a fact of life that weight fluctuates often so if you are surrounding yourself with people who are all about looks, you may feel the pain and disconnect while if you surround yourself with people who are all about who you are as a person deep inside, you will find yourself in a much better and happier place because you are surrounded by unconditional love.

The article 3 ways to find peace over the past for body love now is available on Battle Babes Fitness blog