3 ways to feel good enough regardless of how skinny or not so skinny you are - Battle Babes Fitness
3 ways to feel good enough regardless of how skinny or not so skinny you are

The quest to be skinny can be almost debilitating for some women. In this quest there are missed opportunities because you may think you need to be skinner before you date, relate, start a gym program, go for your dream career or maybe it is that dream holiday. When it comes to feeling good enough, this can be a very challenging mission for some, and this is to enlighten you to some ways you can overcome the judgement of self or others. This is a mission that I am passionate about because I have missed many opportunities in the past for my or other’s opinion of my body. You don’t need to put things off and you don’t need to feel you aren’t good enough any longer because you are. Here are 3 ways to feel good enough:
Your worth does not depend on your body shape or size. You are better than that. You are more than what the scales or tape measures say. You can get out there and make things happen because there is no rule book that says only super skinny people are successful – regardless of what you might think based on popular belief from the media and social media all shapes and sizes can succeed.
Take actions toward what you want. This builds self-worth and has nothing to do with the way you look or even want to look. It has everything to do with what you are called deep inside to do and what you truly want and desire in your life. Taking action toward your dreams will inspire you, uplift you and provide you with a great sense of worth and value to the world. It will make you feel you are making the change you want to toward what you know is meant for you.
Surround yourself with other people who love and adore you for the way you are. These people must be people who don’t judge and condemn you for your body and weight. You must ensure you find your tribe who are healthy and going places while making sure they embrace your body and shape the way you want to. It is very uplifting when others can love your body more than you are and that helps you to be able to love and embrace your own body more. You deserve to be around people who are non-judgemental and empowering you the way you empower them.
3 ways to feel good enough regardless of how skinny or not so skinny you are is republished from Battle babes fitness
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